Welcome to Tara's Page of Arabian Horses!

Hello everyone! Thanks for coming to this site! I hope the reason that you came here was because you love horses as much as I do! Well, this page is "Under Construction" so come back and see the end result! Don't forget to sign the guestbook! As you can see. . .there aren't many graphics! My mom just bought a scanner so I hope to have pics of my horse up real soon! Thanks again!

I decided to have a section where people ask horse questions, I post them and then either I or other people could answer them! What do you think?? E-mail me with your opinions. If you have any questions, e-mail me and I'll post them on my site! Once again. . .please sign the guestbook! I like to know who visited my site! More than likely I will respond to your comments. If there's anything that you feel you need to add please let me know! Sign My Guestbook

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Horse cookie Recipe!

Mix the following ingredients in a bowl:

1 cup of oatmeal
1 cup flour
1 cup of shredded carrots
1 teaspoon of salt
1 tablespoon of sugar
2 tablespoons of corn oil
1/4 cup of molasses
1/4 cup of water

Bake @ 350 degrees for 15 minutes or until brown.
(* TIP - you can use mini muffin tins or just roll them into small - medium size balls.)

Arab Horse Links!(and then some)

International Arabian Horse Association
An informative site with up to date info on the Arabian Horse world!
A site with tons of links and info!
Purina Dog Chow
Even though this site has nothing to do with horses. . .click anyway to see "Christopher Robin" my dog's father! =)
Amazon Books
Click here to find all kinds of books dedicated to the Arabian Horse. (It's cool you should try it!)
The Arabian Horse Registry
If you've got a question regarding arabs. . .this is the place to go!! Tons of info and links. What are you waiting for?
Horse Country
A cool site dedicated to all breeds of horses!
A white horse
I LOVE white horses. . .click and see what this site's all about! (Although the name does give it away!)
Pet Quarters
They have everything from Halters to Fly spray! (Stuff for other animals too! Not just horses!)
The Arabian Resource Center
Need info on buying and selling arabs?! It's just a click away!
The Arabian Jockey Club
Info on the world of arab horse racing!
Western Horseman
Don't want to subscribe to yet ANOTHER magazine?! Click here. . .this one is free and it saves paper!
Horse Classifieds
Looking for a horse? Looking to sell a horse? <-----CLICK!
Life of a Singer
I know. . .I know! Nothing to do with horses! Just go there anyways! Do it for Mel!
The official page of the show "HORSEWORLD"
very informative. Take a look.
A very cool site that deserves a look!
More arabian horses. . .of course!
An interactive site that has virtually all the info you'll ever need!
Country Supplies
This is a great site! There are many great deals. . .$3.99 for flyspray!
The world of Arabian horses online
Lots of pics. . .doesn't take long to load. Cool site!
Blue Mountain interactive Cards
Here you can send animated horse cards to your fellow horse lovers!
Garrett's Arabians
Check it out!
The Hoofed Animal Humane Society
Help be a part of this very important organization!

You are arabian horse fan # to visit this site!

Ansata Hejazi - Pictured grey Arabian

The changing GIF is from ctonline.it/darwin If there is anything that I should not have on my page. . .let me know! I will remove it immediately!

